Confidential Contact Advisers

Confidential Contact Advisers

Within an association it is very important to feel safe. Obviously, we hope that it won’t be necessary, but if anything happens within or outside the association about which you would like to talk to someone, you can go to the confidential adviser. 

At STUGG we have two confidential advisers: Manon and Hidde. If you would like to talk about something in private, you can send an email to:

Or a (whatsapp) message to:

Manon: +31 6 15 32 45 03 

Hidde: +31 6 13 23 01 79

There are also two confidential advisers outside of STUGG, via the ACLO. These are Paolo Bakker and Leon Hovenkamp. An appointment for a conversation (via phone or in person) can be made via In the email you can indicate whether you have a preference for an appointment with Paolo or Leon. 

Hidde de Boer
Manon Ploeger

Social safety

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