Become a member

Membership information

Do you want to become a member of STUGG or are you interested in trying gymnastics at our association? That’s great! You can make an appointment to join one of our practices to check out our gymnastics hall and to discover whether our association would be something for you. Would you like to come visit us? Then don’t hesitate to contact us via! You are allowed to join us for three free practices, without obligations, and afterwards you can decide if you would like to become a member of STUGG. If you have signed up, your membership is valid until you cancel your membership yourself.

To become a member of STUGG, you will need to complete the following steps. It is important that all of these steps are completed. 

  1. Buy an ACLO Card

  2. Fill in our registration form via the website

  3. The board will contact you about your membership

In case you encounter any problems when attempting to complete one of these steps or in case you have any other questions, feel free to send an email to

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