
New KB

Dear everyone! We are proud to announce next years candidacy board to you: President: Liese Bremer Secretary: Sophie Verschoor Treasurer: Tijmen van Dijk Commissioner of Internal Affairsr: Coos...

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Love, Duces

Love, Duces For the new column in the newsletter, we have sent out a google Forms in the communications app. You can find the results below.  We informed how many tompoucen STUGG'ers can eat: 25%...

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No practice on May 20

On May 20 there is no practice due to Pentecost!

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Theme NSTC Teams

The Competition Committee announced the theme for the competition.... The theme will be: Iconic Groups. We hope to see you at the competition in your amazing outfits!

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News from the president

Hellooo everyone, here I am again! Last month it was a little quieter with STUGG-weekends and -activities, but of course we did have our monthly activity organised by the Activity Committee! With...

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Love, Duces

Love, Duces For the new column in the newsletter, we have sent out a google Forms in the communications app. If you want to find yourself in the newsletter, please fill it out:...

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News from the president

Hi everyone, welcome to a new month again!! Hopefully everyone survived all the exams and deadlines. And for the people that are not quite finished yet, good luck of course <3 Besides all the...

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No training April 1

There is no training on April 1 due to Easter!

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Love, Duces

Love, Duces For the new column in the newsletter, we sent out a google Forms in the  app. A new Forms will follow for next semester, fill it out now:   Below...

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News from the president

Hi everyoneee, welcome to March! ;) A lot has happened the last couple of weeks and a lot of fun things are coming as well. Last month we started off with our open practices, in which we got to...

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