
Love, Duces

For the new newsletter column, we sent out a google Forms in the announcements app. We picked out some of the funniest results!

Some of the good intentions STUGGers had for 2023:

""I wanted to grow a beard.... Didn't work out (and I'm not a man)"
"Keeping my plants from dying, worked out pretty well! My jungle is growing"
"My good intention for 2023 was to never make good intentions again. So far that has succeeded"
"Quit smoking - nope, less though. Finish studying - nope"

The percentage of STUGGers who used to (or secretly still) believe in Santa Claus: 20%!

The funniest/craziest Christmas memories of the STUGGers:

"We were in a restaurant with the whole family. To keep the children present occupied, we had brought craft supplies. Soon the idea arose to make a garland as long as possible from strips of folding leaves. Of course, we were not the only family celebrating Christmas at this restaurant. Soon my brothers, cousins, niece and I were best friends with all the other children in the entire restaurant, all of whom also joined in crafting the garland. It took a while for the parents of the other families to realize that their offspring had disappeared and were at our table having the biggest glue-smeared fun. The resulting garland was 74 meters long."

"Uncle accidentally setting a Christmas tree on fire during the main aisle. Extinguished by Grandpa who was angry that his delicious Barolo was now empty!"


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