
News from the president

Hi everyone, welcome to a new month again!! Hopefully everyone survived all the exams and deadlines. And for the people that are not quite finished yet, good luck of course <3

Besides all the boring school stuff, we also did quite some fun things last month of course. We had the jumping competition, which was a big happening again! Besides all the fun with the fellow STUGG’ers, we got to enjoy the ‘kamikaze’-stunts from some of the gymnasts from our fellow associations :0.. Butttt STUGG did very well and EVERYONE managed to bring home at least one medal! Proud! Besides, we had the H-GMM, in which we gave updates on the last few months. Thanks to everyone that was there! And of course, we had our monthly AC activity, but you can read more about that in their updates ;). 

This month we are starting with Easter of course, so on the first of this month (today, I’m not joking haha) we won’t have practice. But don’t worry, because in this same week we will have our monthly drink so there will be more than enough time to catch up with everyone! We will be playing with Lego, so of course you want to be there :) Hopefully we will see everyone there!!




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