
Love, Duces

Love, Duces

For the new column in the newsletter, we sent out a google Forms in the  app. A new Forms will follow for next semester, fill it out now:


Below are some weird things STUGGers experienced during Valentine's Day:

"Valentine's Day with Freek Vonk and his animals."

"Getting a box of chocolates from an anonymous person who even created a separate email for it so I could reply. Something along the lines of"

"The boy I liked asked if I wanted to be his girlfriend on Valentine's Day. Well of course I said yes. I came home that night and had received a message from him that maybe we should change the date to Feb. 13, because Feb. 14 was childish anyway. Romantic huh"


Described below are some of the dream dates of STUGGers:

"Cuddling with goats, alpacas and bunnies"

"Sitting together on the couch under a blanket. Hot chocolate with a big dollop of whipped cream. Cozy chatting together, watching movies, planning the invasion and takeover of Denmark..."

"Something with really good food to go with it. If I get a plant I am also soon satisfied"


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